Our small events funding enables enthusiasts, practitioners and scholars to run sport history events.

Application process and submission:

  • The application form and claim form are only available by download below
  • Completed applications must be submitted via email attachment to Dr Raf Nicholson on rafaellenicholson40@hotmail.com
  • DEADLINES: 5pm on 31 December / 30 March / 31 July / 30 September
  • Applications should be submitted at least 4 months before the event is due to take place, to give time to process the application
  • Applications will be considered 4 times annually, at quarterly BSSH Trustee meetings
  • Please submit your application by 5pm on 31 December, 30 March, 31 July or 30 September to be considered at the following month's meeting. We will endeavour to notify you of an outcome within 6 weeks of submission
  • Late applications will roll over and be considered at the next meeting only if there is enough time remaining before the event takes place
  • Applications will be considered on a case by case basis and judged on their own merits - there is no minimum or maximum number of applications which will be accepted in each application cycle
  • A panel of up to eight judges, to include non-executive members, will be asked to provide feedback by the BSSH Past-Chair
  • Applicants must provide a breakdown of key expenditure to allow informed decisions re: aspects of the event best suited for BSSH support
  • Where appropriate, alternative or additional funding sources will be advised to applicants
  • Awards will be notified, approved and minuted at BSSH Trustee meetings. In the event of disagreement or insufficient feedback from the judges, the Board will make the final decision
  • Evidence of expenditure must be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement within 28 days of the event


  • Applications should be consistent with the aims of BSSH and contribute to one or more of the outcomes set out in our Grand Making Policy
  • An upper award limit of £500 is available to applicants within issued guidelines
  • Partial support, not complete funding of any event may be provided
  • Applications must demonstrate ability to generate independent funding sources (e.g., via registration fees; other participating bodies; home institution)
  • Whilst reasonable conference expenses are eligible (e.g. speaker travel expenses) fees payable to speakers are not eligible for funding
  • Events in receipt of funding must undertake to explicitly acknowledge BSSH support and distribute publicity materials to delegates as appropriate.

Click to download application form

Click to download funding claim form

Click here to read our Grant Making Policy.

Any queries or applications should be directed to Raf Nicholson (rafaellenicholson40@hotmail.com).