Award: £2000, plus travel to and accommodation at the BSSH annual conference (up to £500) 

Duration: 12 months, to run from 1 January to 31 December

Deadline: 1 November (5pm) 

Purpose of the award:

One grants will be awarded annually to an early career researcher who has submitted their PhD but is yet to secure a full-time academic post. The aim is to assist with the transition into post-doctoral employment by making a contribution towards living, research and other costs for a 12-month period after completion of the PhD. 

Funding may be used to cover day-to-day living costs, childcare costs, research trips, attendance at the conferences or any other activities which are relevant to career progression.

Please note that the money will be released in two instalments, in January and immediately following the BSSH's annual conference (usually late August). BSSH reserve the right to withhold the second instalment in the event that the candidate is not making sufficient progress or engaging satisfactorily with the BSSH. The decision of the BSSH Board of Trustees is final in this matter.

How to apply:

A completed application form, plus a one-page CV, should be emailed to the Postgraduate/ECR Representative by 5pm on 1 November. 

Candidates will be informed of a decision by 20 December. 

The Board reserves the right to not award the grant if no suitable applications are received. 

The successful candidate will:

  • Become the BSSH's ECR Fellow, and help to oversee the application process for the next Bridging Grant cycle.
  • Present their research at the BSSH conference.
  • Report to the BSSH Board on progress. If travel is required to BSSH Board meetings (held quarterly), all travel expenses to Board meetings will be paid by BSSH. 
  • Be mentored by a senior academic throughout the Fellowship.


  • Applicants must be BSSH members at the time of application, and continue their membership for the duration of the Fellowship.
  • Applicants must not yet hold or have held a permanent academic job.
  • Applications are only open to those who do not currently hold a postdoctoral funding award (e.g. a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship).
  • Applicants should be within 24 months of completing their PhD at the point of application. Applicants must have completed their viva examination on or before 1 November.
  • Applications are open to those with or without a current academic affiliation.
  • Applications are welcome from all socio-cultural scholars of sport; however, sports historians will be given priority over applicants from other sport-related fields. 
  • In keeping with the aims of the BSSH, UK and Ireland-based candidates will be given priority. 
  • In making decisions, BSSH will primarily assess the quality of the proposal. However, we will also take into account an applicant's circumstances and reserve the right to prioritise the most precarious applicants. 
  • If you have any questions about eligibility, please contact us.

Click here to read our Grant Making Policy.