The BSSH offers grants to financially support BSSH members with the cost of presenting at conferences / symposia / workshops. 

Applicants will be judged by merit based on the extent to which they are seen to promote the study of sports history, particularly within the British context.

Please note that this grant is only available for BSSH members and those who are presenting a paper at the conference / symposia / workshop. All other applicants will not be considered. 

See below for further details and the application form.

These grants are designed to support members of the BSSH to present a sport history paper at a conference: a great opportunity to engage with other fields and disciplines as well as our own.

  • Award: up to a maximum of £200 to cover the costs of presenting at a conference. 10 awards available per year.
  • Closing Date: No closing date, you may apply at any time within a twelve month period.
  • Eligibility: All applicants must be members of the BSSH


These grants are designed to assist BSSH members with the cost of presenting at conferences / symposia / workshops. Applications for any event will be considered: applications will be judged on merit based on the extent to which they are seen to promote the study of sports history, particularly within the British context.

Applications for financial assistance with attending the BSSH’s own annual conference will not be considered. Submissions will only be accepted from those who are BSSH members at the time of application. Presenters are expected to still be BSSH members at the time they present. Submissions made by non-members at the deadline for each award will not be considered.

Those who successfully gain an award may not submit another proposal for twelve months after the funded conference takes place.

Funding is only available to applicants who are presenting a paper at the conference / symposia / workshop. Should the abstract be rejected by the conference organisers after an application is accepted by BSSH, the funding will not be awarded but applicants may reapply to present their research at a different event, without the requirement to wait twelve months.

Application procedure:

Applications should be sent to the BSSH Chair ( These will then be considered by a panel of judges and approval sought from Trustees.

Applications should specify:

  • Details of the conference / other event for which the funding is being requested
  • The title and abstract of the paper being presented
  • An outline of how the paper will contribute to the study of sports history
  • A budget for attendance at the conference, including all expected costs
  • Details of any other funding applied for in conjunction with the conference
  • Details of how the applicant plans to acknowledge the support the BSSH during their presentation

Requirements for successful applicants

Successful bidders are to supply receipts for any award amount claimed. They are required to recognise the help provided by the BSSH in all material disseminated relating to the conference, including the conference programme.

During the conference, bidders will be expected to do the following:

  • Mention BSSH at the start of the paper
  • Include the BSSH logo on their Powerpoint slides


  • Distribute BSSH flyers during the panel (and at other points during the conference, if appropriate)
  • Post tweets during the conference using the official event hashtag, referencing the BSSH Twitter account (@BritSportHisSoc)

After the conference concludes, successful bidders are required to produce a report for the BSSH, which may be published online, about the conference (or other event). The help given by BSSH should also be recognised in any publications resulting from the conference.


Finances from the award will be paid to recipients retrospectively following the completion of the conference, upon receipt of a full expenses claim. We will endeavour to release funds as soon as possible after the event has taken place.

Click here to read our Grant Making Policy.